Thursday, December 1, 2011


pennys!!!  let me no if this is pretty coolio!!! also, go on utube and type in "cobra cat"

Saturday, November 26, 2011


was ur thanksgiving good? mine was, now we can only count the days till christmas and hanuka (i appolagise 2 any jewish peeps out there because i realize that i spelled that wrong)

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving 4 real

ok, so now thanksgiving is REALLY here!!! if u want 2 hav a great thanksgiving: DONT FORGET 2 FEED UR PETS!!!
Im gettin bored of fun facts so heres a life message: never b afraid 2 try, remember, amaturs built the arc, proffesionals built the titanic!!!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Thanksgiving is here so clap ur hands: WE GET 2 EAT CRANBERRY SAUCE, PIE, AND STUFFING!!!
happy days...

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Creepy Dancing... objects? idk wat they r!!!

Fun Fact:
ok, so this is like WAY more than 1 fact and it changes like every few seconds, u have 2 c all the way down the list and i think the time wen we run out of oil is really interesting!!! click on the link
bonsai trees need light 2 live!!! also, remember 2 feed ur pets and clean their surrounding cause i ALMOST forgot 2 clean my fishes tank 2day!!!
  this pic is so crazy!!! it hope they dont get tiered of that dance cause they'll b dancing it 4 a LONG TIME!!!
ok, so if u didnt already no... Manteka is COLD!!! went 2 c the new twighlight movie (i havnt read the books cause i keep getting backed up with stacks of books 2 read!) it was kinda creepy, if ur gonna c it, i'll warn u that it gets sorta disturbing at the end! it was ok though.
Fun Fact:
the fist fords made had engines made by dodge!!!